Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Simple Golf Swing (part 2 of 2)


Power is crucial in a golf swing. You can get this by not swinging the club too far back as all you need is to coil around your spine. This is a key in getting power.

Those are three basic principles you need to keep in mind - swing around a stable spine, limit your hip rotation, and shorten your backswing as you don't really need to swing it back to parallel. These can help you achieve efficient movement in your swing.

The thing you have to remember is that the best golf swing does not have a lot of movement to it at all. Professional golfers understand this principle, and that is why they have such low scores. By keeping it simple, they can achieve consistency in their swings and hit the ball right at the center.

A simple golf swing helps a player perform even at the harshest and most nerve-wracking of conditions. When you have trained well and long and hard, your body “becomes” the golf swing itself, as some golfers put it, and almost effortlessly, your swing becomes consistent. By achieving the most perfect golf swing for you, your confidence will be increased.

This will let you play without distractions even in tournament play, where the pressure can faze other people out. Once you get it, all you need to tune up is your mental game.

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