Monday, November 30, 2015

Mind Mapping for an Easier Life (part 2 of 2)

Brainstorming in the office is usual and with the introduction of the mind mapping tools, the task has become much easier. New possibilities pop up because the brainstorming participants are quite enthusiastic during their sessions.

Time management is also an issue in most companies and so companies are finding out ways to make use of mind mapping for efficient time management.

Mind mapping is not only utilized by companies but also by ordinary individuals. Simple sketches, drawings, and lines can already create mind maps and perhaps you’re doing that too; unknowingly, you’re creating mind maps to solve some of your problems.

If you plan to write a book, you can also utilize mind mapping. You see, it will be easier to get an overview of some interesting topics through the mind maps. Choose your main topic and then put inside the circle at the middle of the blank page. New topic ideas can branch out from the main topic to create sub topics.

Don’t collect your new ideas and information in textual form. Instead, try to jot them down in a simple yet comprehensible mind map. Soon you will notice that your mind is more stimulated and you can even recall all your new ideas without difficulty. With just a glance, you can already understand what it is all about.

Try creating mind maps now and make your life much easier.

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